

andrea ines schlegel

Three years apprenticeship to a colour lithograph
Long-term occupation in an ad agency
Classes, seminars and schooling in:

- Watercolour painting
- Oil & acrylic painting
- Lithography
- Plasticising
- Sculpting
- Nude and portrait painting

Since 2001 atelier in Stuttgart
with focus on oil and acrylic painting

Purchases and exhibitions at home and abroad



andrea ines schlegel

Three years apprenticeship to a colour lithograph
Long-term occupation in an ad agency
Classes, seminars and schooling in:

- Watercolour painting
- Oil & acrylic painting
- Lithography
- Plasticising
- Sculpting
- Nude and portrait painting

Since 2001 atelier in Stuttgart
with focus on oil and acrylic painting

Purchases and exhibitions at home and abroad



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